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Tammy Boucher, BSc. PT
July 15, 2021

OrthoCanada’s Green Files: Sanctband Eco-Friendly Products

As part of OrthoCanada’s long-term commitment to the environment and society, OrthoCanada will regularly feature articles that highlight the company’s sustainability initiatives and the more environmentally friendly products that we offer. Today’s article is about Sanctband’s eco-friendly resistance band and tubing.


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Sanctband resistance band and tubing

Manufactured by Sanctuary Health, Sanctband’s high-quality resistance band and tubing are used by many physiotherapists, rehabilitation specialists, and fitness and strength-training experts across the globe. They are also very popular for at-home exercise.


Sanctband is renowned for their unique features that set them apart from other brands:

  • Powder-free: Provides a cleaner, more comfortable solution that is less irritating on hands.
  • Reduced latex protein: Manufactured using Sanctech technology, the reduced protein feature helps minimize the incidence of latex allergy without sacrificing the performance of the product.
  • More Durable: All of Sanctband’s resistance band and tubing products withstand and pass the 10 000 stretches test under the company’s TUV GS Product Safety Mark Certification. 


Reasons why Sanctband band and tubing are green products


Sanctuary Health has implemented an in-house Green Initiative Program that guides the company in the design, sourcing and production of all of its products. The development of Sanctband resistance band and tubing fall under this program. Thanks to its Green Initiative Program, Sanctuary Health can guarantee:


1. The sustainability of its raw materials Sanctuary Health acquires its main material, natural rubber latex, from only reputable latex concentrate partners. These suppliers source their field latex only from well-managed plantations that have concrete sustainability policies in place to ensure eco-conscious cultivation of raw materials.


2. Reduced carbon emissions Sanctuary Health uses 95% of its energy from liquified petroleum gas, a clean-burning low-carbon fossil fuel. It is considered a green source of energy because it emits almost zero carbon emissions.


3. Responsible waste management Waste from Sanctuary Health’s production processes are divided into recyclable and non-recyclable portions. Recyclable waste, including latex scraps and paper are sold for recycling and recovery purposes. Latex wastewater is treated in modern treatment facilities; all discharges comply with Malaysian Environmental Health standards and are on par with best practices respected across the globe.


For physiotherapists, kinesiologists and all other healthcare professionals looking for a more environmentally friendly brand of resistance band and tubing, Sanctband products are a viable and green alternative to consider. Check out the brand today and stay tuned for more OrthoCanada Green Files.

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